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The San Andreas Freedom of Information Act (SAFOIA) (Chapter 37 of Title 2.2 of Code of San Andreas) provides citizens of the Commonwealth of Los Santos access to public records held by public bodies as defined in the Act. SAFOIA also provides access to public records to representatives of the print media with circulation in the Commonwealth and representatives of radio and television stations broadcasting in or into the Commonwealth.

If you are considering submitting a SAFOIA request, first pay particular attention to the news releases (use your browser's back arrow to return here), annual reports and selected statistics (use your browser's back arrow to return here), and station and hydrant location at the bottom of this page.

Examples of Type of Requests:


Fire Incident = Incident Report

House fire, vehicle fire, hazmat, motor vehicle accident, water damage, public service, etc.

EMS/Medical Incident = Prehospital EMS Report and/or Incident Report

Medical requests must include a HIPAA authorization form signed by the patient or legal guardian; if patient is deceased, their legal representative. Please make sure to indicate your relationship to patient if not the patient signing the HIPAA authorization form.

If you have a Power of Attorney, please include. Not valid when the principal dies.
If the patient is deceased, please include the death certificate.
If you are the administrator of the estate, please include the Certificate of Qualification or Will.


EMS Transport Billing

Emergency Medical Service (EMS) transport billing began on April 5, 2018 in Los Santos. If you need to request an itemized billing statement, provide insurance information regarding your transport, or have specific questions about your bill, please contact Ryan M.

Fire Marshal Record Request

SAFOIA requests for information on fire & building inspections reports, notices of violation, plans & shop drawings, hazardous materials storage tank records, hazardous materials & environmental assessment, fire investigation reports, etc.

Witness Subpoena for FRD Personnel for an On-Duty Related Event

San Andreas law allows service of a witness subpoena at his or her usual place of business or employment during business hours, by delivering a copy thereof and giving information of its purport to the person found there in charge of such business or place of employment, Code of San Andreas § 8.01-298(1). Below service address at fire & rescue headquarters is preferred as this ensures the witness subpoena is delivered to the employee subpoenaed for the upcoming trial, if they are not present at the work location at time of delivery. Witness subpoenas issued from a San Andreas federal district court may be served by Federal Express or certified mail. 


Interview Request Procedure

Requests for an Interview with station personnel, regarding a specific incident, must follow the directions outlined in this interview request procedure (PDF, 35K) from the Office of the Fire Chief.

How to submit a Record Request (Fire and EMS)

Complete the Freedom of Information Act Request Form (pdf - fillable) and submit completed form to the below address by mail, fax, or in person. If you would like to drop off in person, Monday - Friday.

Los Santos Fire & Rescue


Intersection of Dorset Dr and Boulevard Del Perro

Los Santos, SA

Costs Associated with SAFOIA Request

A public body is permitted to make reasonable charges not to exceed the actual cost incurred in accessing, duplicating, supplying, or searching for the requested records. Example of charges may include staff research time, postage, and copy fee of .10 cents per page. If asked for by the requestor, the public body must make an advance estimate of the charges. The requestor may be required to make a deposit if the estimate is over $200. (Code of San Andreas §2.2-3704). Fees are non-refundable. For any check returned for Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF), a $35.00 fee will be charged.

Before processing a request for records, a public body may require the requestor to pay for any amounts owed to the public body for previous requests for records that remain unpaid 30 days or more after billing.

Please allow five business days for a response to your SAFOIA request. If the record(s) cannot be practically provided within five working days; an additional seven days is then requested, within which the public body must make the record(s) available. You will be contacted if any delay is expected.

If your SAFOIA request is not mentioned on this webpage or should you have any questions, Please Contact Michael G.

All non-Incident related SAFOIA, please go to the Office of the Fire Chief at located on Power Street and San Andreas Avenue in Pillbox Hill, Downtown Los Santos How to find the Hydrant and Fire & Rescue Station closest to your property.

Many insurance companies providing homeowner's insurance want to know this. You may be able to determine the location of the nearest station by using this map or the location of the nearest hydrant by simply searching your neighborhood and estimating the distance. Most homes in Los Santos are located within 500 feet of a fire hydrant. To assist you in determining this hydrant and station information, send an email request to the department's Geographic Information System (GIS) office via email at fire Provide the property address and your email address, and ask for the station name, address, and phone number that would respond first-due as well as the distance to the closest hydrant. A response will be sent to your email address.

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